South Australian Artist

 I’m always seeking evolution in my work, not to stay static in how I see my world and express my views. I’m always striving for this, a new twist to the old, splash out, make an impact, create an impression.

The environment has always been of great concern to me and is a dominant focus in my work. I use my art to make statements on issues that are important to me. Though often my work may be a light hearted comment on a point of view or is merely about the subject because an aspect of it interests me, it is most consistently the intrinsic design found in nature, particularly water and light that shapes my response.

Although my main discipline has been painting, my art is diverse and extends into other disciplines. I’ve always relished the opportunity to apply my art to more ‘industrial’ projects. I see that art is in everything, it has such a diverse range of purpose and application, from the humblest piece of packaging to a large building to a work of fine art.

Art is art, whatever form it takes. I prefer my work to speak for itself rather than verbalise it.

Garry Duncan

Art Gallery, Wine & Gin tasting open Sundays 12 - 4pm or by appointment, contact: